Sunday, December 1, 2019

Today is A Very Important Day

One, I am back on the Blog. Nice to be here with you, thank you. 

Two, today is the first of December and the first Sunday in Advent: a four-week period of "waiting and watching" for the birth of Christ. It is also the month of Hanukkah in the Jewish tradition and the close of the year. Hallmarks of beginnings and endings are all around us. 

And, three: I will be almost 50 in two years. Remember when Meg Ryan said through her sobs in "When Harry Met Sally", "I am going to be 40!" and goes on to say..."In 8 years!". While it's not possible Meg Ryan was so young, it is possible I will be 50 in two years. So I designed a two-year program of re-imagining, re-invention for this half-century on the planet. It is time. 

In November I celebrated two years of sober living --from alcohol. I have studied and learned how to change a behavior and feel like I am ready to expand this sobriety to the other "comforts" in my life: food, spending, social media. 

I am imagining this human, my human, in two years following this design of self-created seven agreements, I am calling these agreements the Secret Seven: 

1. Continued Sobriety from Alcohol and weekly meetings 
2. Daily exercise -30 min-1 hour any kind (walking/ yoga) 
3. Anti-inflammatory diet (no white items: sugar, gluten, dairy) 
4. Church weekly 
5. Meditation Daily 
6. Writing Daily 
7. Financial Partnership with Scott and the Boys (weekly meetings and savings plan)

This future human feels great on the inside and the outside. She is strong and powerful and embodies the commitments she's made to herself, others and the environment. This human tells the truth about herself and leads from her heart. Nothing is hidden. Nothing is feared: I will work on the mindfulness it will take to "be with" the challenges of these new practices. I feel like I've been training for this since 2011. I have everything I need to meet my future self. 

This is what it feels like to design a future: I am in this future, just a few hours into the first of December, watching and waiting. Attending. Listening. Sitting with the desire to comfort myself in all of the ways I know best, but this year, next year and the year after: consciously choosing something different: a new future. 

I am trying this future on beginning with this day in this moment. It is time. 

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