Monday, February 17, 2020

Poetry Week of February 9-15


In a class today we talked of silence. 
The precious space of sabbath.
We talked of chords and phones and tethering things.
That pull us from Peace. 
The Peace that is more the understanding.
Beyond, past Understanding.
Greater than.
We must be fierce.
With intention to notice, to see and to listen.
Fierce to protect ourselves and
The chapel that is our life.


One breath.
A moment to see.
A different side.
To me.
One breath.
A moment to see.
A different side.
To you.
One breath.
A moment to be.

Mindfulness in three perspectives:
Time, be with me.
Body, I’m in you.
Heart, I feel you.

I brought a few things to this mindful life;
The bell, the breath came later.
Compassion arrived as my teacher,
And I rolled in all of the people who loved me into being*.
Formed by grandmothers and godmothers, parents and teachers. Especially the art teachers.
They found me in the field of mindful presence.
And held onto me. 
I brought poetry and writing,
Walking and wondering.
Sitting still.
Be still, I am God, he said.
I was finally quiet enough to hear.
Quiet enough to speak to his listening. 
Quiet enough to know.
Silence is where we grow.
Silence holds a truth where we say what we see.
Silence is the teacher our teachers wanted us to be.
*ref: Fred Rogers

Good morning, Love Birds.
Mamas and Daddies.
Brothers, sisters,
Best Friends.
Good Morning, Saint Valentine.
The one who said,
Love, Your Valentine.
One thousand,
Seven hundred and fifty years ago. 
Love your Valentine.
The driver in front of you.
The driver behind.
The post person,
The gent who makes your latte.
With the little heart drawn in foam at the top. 
Love, you, Valentine.
Take a moment.
Place your hand on your heart.
And breathe.
I’m here, you could say.
Loving you.
I’m here. 
I’m here, Valentine.
In each little letter of each little word.
For you.
For your happiness and your peace.
For the way you say,
I love you today.
Say it loudly so even the ones.
Who can’t hear you or see you.
Your Valentine.


“Why the sunrise?” They asked.
“It calls me.” I replied.
A daily invitation to exist.
To write the day.
In words and actions.
A blank slate to encounter
The tender,
The suffering,
The wonderful.
A do-over. A do-ing.
Open for the business
Of this day
Of my life.


  1. Wow! I love your words. You truly have a talent! I know you will touch many hearts and invite peace into countless souls.

  2. Why the sunrise is most inspiring for me! Thanks
