Saturday, August 4, 2018

Patti Smith at Bedtime: The Mindful Family

"These Are The Words"
(from "Pope Francis: A Man of His Word" soundtrack)

Awake everyone, the dawn has come
Life is streaming from the sun
A garden blessed, the bird that sings
Nature gives us everything. 

I stumbled on this precious song tonight. I can't stop thinking about Patti Smith--and especially as a mindful, contemplative leader of our time. I've watched her performance at the Awards for the Nobel Laureates in honor of Bob Dylan a dozen times, if not more. If you watch Patti sing: her courage to stop and try again after losing the complicated lyrics, her commitment to get it right, her nerves: you see the artist at work when everything is at stake. If you watch the audience: they are rapt: some with mouths open, some crying: it is clearly a moment that called all to be in the moment. I wish I'd been there. 

Tonight I'm just playing "These Are the Words" a few times. Scott is reading. Edward is listening to a book. I have not seen the film yet: Pope Francis: A Man of His Word but as I study it, it appears Patti Smith wrote most of the songs for the soundtrack. "These are the Words" is just one. And to me, here on retreat, I'm hearing the message. 

Nature gives us everything. 

To the Contemplative Leader, to the Mindful Human and the Mindful Family, yes. On the Mindful Family Road trip I need four things: 

A Trail 
Good Shoes 

Simplicity is key. And I think that's why I love Patti Smith's lyrics. They're simple. And they tell the truth. She is exactly who she is: whether in a polished soundtrack or performing in front of millions of people on live television. It's not about her: it's simple: it's about the music. Nature gives her everything she needs. She is so present in her courage it's contagious. 

Nature gives us everything. 

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