Monday, November 30, 2015

A Mindful Advent: Please Wait, Here

Be serious. What's to laugh at? Advent has begun and its real meaning is so far from the Black-Friday today's Cyber-Monday it's hardly funny. So what is the moniker for Advent?

By definition of time and purpose, Advent is twenty-six days of waiting and expectation: a reason to do the exact opposite of what commercial culture asks us to do: pause. Please wait, here.

But we don't. How can we possibly pause with email reminders of greater discounts and hours and one more day to spend more and save less. Or we can spend less time going there, all of the places they tell us we need to go and spend more time...Here.

Please wait, here. Here in this moment. If we are really listening to the reason for this season of Advent, we are listening to a request to pause, wait and think. We are asked to wait for the news of a bright star, a mother, a father and a Baby. Just wait.

Waiting is the best kind of meditation. A call to be still, to center your mind and remember to breathe.   The wait brings us the quietest moments of our day: in line, waiting to be next, in a queue on a call, waiting for a human, in bed, waiting for sleep to come. Quiet the mind and know that all you really have to do in this moment of is be present and breathe. The lists will get shorter and the worries will dissipate. Real meaning comes when we are focused and calm.

Like every sunrise, What Child is this we are waiting for? This Boy-Teacher who carries love and compassion in his future, like other teachers before him and others after him, he is just a human, living in truth, putting care and concern for others first and teaching us how to love. And this month, this season of Advent we wait for him so we can begin to Listen.

Please Wait, Here. 

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